Celebrating imagination through literary diversity.

Welcome to the USCU Literary Festival, where book lovers, writers, and literary enthusiasts come together to celebrate the power of storytelling and ignite their passion for literature.


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Trusted by numerous Book lovers, writers

Jessica Simon

The USCU Literary Festival was an incredible experience that reignited my love for literature and left me feeling inspired and connected to a community of fellow book lovers.

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Our Team

The USCU Literary Festival team, consisting of passionate bookworms and creative minds, came together to create an annual event that celebrates the magic of literature and inspires a love for reading in all who attend.

Jamie Morrison

With a passion for literature and event planning, I use my years of experience in marketing to create a unique and unforgettable experience for attendees of the USCU Literary Festival.

Annie Hofstadter

As the CTO, I bring my technical expertise and love for literature together to create seamless and innovative solutions for the USCU Literary Festival, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants.

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805 Marina Village Pkwy, Alameda, CA 94501

(800) 649-0193
